Building Work Explained:
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Are you dreaming of purchasing an older property and turning it into your perfect home? The German government’s “Jung kauft Alt” (Young Buys Old) program is designed to support individuals like you in revitalizing older buildings, promoting sustainable living, and preserving the architectural heritage of our communities.
The Schneller-Bauen-Gesetz (Faster Construction Law) is designed to streamline construction projects across Germany, particularly in urban areas like Berlin, where housing is in high demand. For developers and architects, this law offers significant advantages, especially for attic conversions. Here’s how it impacts planning and execution in Berlin:
Custom living with a view in the best location: Buying an unfinished attic offers low entry prices and the promise of a future penthouse dream. But the challenges are significant.
Earlier this month, our perspective on loft conversions was featured in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Our founder, Stefanie Hünitzsch, shared expert insights drawn from years of experience in architectural planning. For more practical tips and inspiration on loft conversions, read the full article!
As the EU prepares for a full decarbonisation by 2050, various directives regarding the decarbonisation of new and existing buildings are steadily progressing through the institutions of the EU. To support decarbonisation, 97% of existing EU building stock must be renovated to achieve a zero emission building – ZEB standard 1. This is a massive challenge for property owners, architects and policy makers to achieve. Here we explain in simple terms what this means for your projects
From the 1st of January 2023, the Berlin Solar Ordinance mandates the installation of rooftop solar panels on all non-public construction projects in Berlin. In addition to new builds, existing buildings are included, where there are significant alterations to the roof. No distinction is made between residential, commercial and industrial buildings.
Basic Services vs Additional Services According to HOAI: Services Overview for Architecture & Interiors (2021) Annex 10 (from §34 Paragraph 4, §35 Paragraph 7) The HOAI defines two categories of services that are carried out in the various phases. On the one hand, there are the basic services that are required for every project and […]
Our project proposes a sanctuary for learning. To create a safe space for girls to grow and flourish, our scheme had to be adaptable to both the formal classroom setting as well as the informal spaces, both interior and exterior, where Kurandza can offer its supports. Our spaces are orientated towards a central courtyard to provide privacy and a sense of enclosure. Through deliberate positioning of the buildings, outdoor play and learning spaces are provided with a clear separation between the public realm and the protected school environment.
In 2022 we entered the international design competition ‘Micro Housing’ organized by Impact Design Competitions. We were awarded an honorable mention for our MICRO.TOWER proposal to alleviate Berlin’s housing shortage.
Our work was featured in the international sustainability magazine Treehugger.
The construction of an entirely new building and exterior modifications of an already existing one are to be evaluated and approved by the building authorities, or in German “Bauaufsicht”, of the respective district. There are a number of rules and regulations that apply to each building site which have to be taken under consideration during the planning process Complying to these specifics ensures the safety and appropriateness of the project in mind.
The leistungphasen / hoai explained By Daniel O’Reilly – ARCH x TECTURE Overview The stages of any construction project are defined under German law, this is the referred to as the performance phases, construction phases or HOAI, (Honorarordnung für Architekten und Ingenieurs, Schedule of Services and Fees for Architects and Engineers ). The German project […]